Last post was about what the Facebook algorithm actually is and how it can affect your direct sales business. So review that blog and come back here to learn how to outsmart them!
Outsmart the Algorithm
Today’s version of the algorithm means that only certain people see the content you worked so hard to churn out. So, here’s what you need to know about how to outsmart it to get those readers.
What the algorithm sees
The algorithm itself is going to be looking for a few different details. First, how the audience member interacts with someone -- who are they connecting to and why? Also, it’ll keep track of what type of content they enjoy most (ex: cat videos as opposed to fitness posts) and how popular those posts are. Then, of course, a news feed will show the most recent or popular posts first (depending upon the users' settings). These are all how the algorithm is going to determine what to show people.
How to outsmart the bots
If you want to maximize everything possible with potential users, here’s how you get your posts out to more people—all without getting into tricky tech stuff.
Keep in mind, that we offer direct sales best practices and branding and mentoring which covers a lot of these things as well!
Reply to comments and queries
When you get someone commenting on your post or asking questions, make sure you get back to them, and in a timely manner. You can like and engage with comments, too, but don’t forget to reply. The algorithm will prefer showing page content from those who interact with their users, as well as other businesses.
Post at the right time
As mentioned, timing plays a massive role in making sure that users see the content. Don’t post at 2 am on a Friday. Using the helpful data analytics that tells you the most popular hours to post. You want to post when your users are online and see your post, then they’ll like it and share it. Well that's the plan, right. When this happens, it’ll create a snowball effect.
Make everything visual
When you want to share a lovely review or a quote from an article, why not make it into a graphic using Canva? This is going to make it visually appealing, short-and-sweet, and is instantly more shareable. A visually appealing creation also gets more “love” on the reaction part of social media, which will help your rankings, too.
Consider paid promotion
Another detail, especially at first, is to consider getting a paid promotion. This will help you push your most popular content forward so that all sorts of people will see them. Since you’re paying for views, it will make sure that you jump over the success of those who, well, aren’t. So be sure this content is on point or it defeats the point of paying for it.
Skip the tricks
Maybe you’re only thinking about the idea of doing the last tip and then just figuring out the rest later. Still, the thing to remember is that the algorithm isn’t going anywhere. Focus on quality and integrity instead of quick fixes. After all, the right ad with engaging content posted at the right time will have no problem getting past the bots, and onto the news feed in front of your target market!
While many people will be quick to complain about the algorithm and its frustrations, you can easily find a way through it to the other, triumphant end. The “trick” is just learning how to outsmart it!
I can help!
I also have created DIY direct sales training material so that you can focus on your business and let me take the work out of figuring it all out. Now, that doesn't mean you won't have to put in the work and hustle your business, but I help take out the utter confusion, like the ever so famous and frustrating Facebook algorithm. I will make sure you are branding your business correctly so when that content is seen and sneaks through the algorithm, it's reaching the right target market with the correct message. So, contact me and let's get you kicking the FB algorithm's rear end!
